Back to Swimming: Embracing Warm Sunlight and Healthy Eating, October 1, 2024
Hey everybody, its Buddy Today is October 1st, 2024, and Im excited to get back into swimming. I just completed 1500 meters in 30 minutes and 30 seconds. The sun is warm, and Im taking advantage of these beautiful days before it gets cold. Join me as I share my swim routine, the changing colors of the trees, and my healthy eating habits. Im sticking to my one meal a day with intermittent fasting, featuring a delicious meal of salmon, broccoli, cauliflower, and avocado. Thanks for watching and supporting my channel , Swimming, HealthyLiving, Sunlight, IntermittentFasting, HealthyEating, FitnessJourney, October2024, BuddyHuggins, Nature, Wellness Keywords swimming, healthy living, sunlight, intermittent fasting, healthy eating, fitness journey, October 2024, Buddy Huggins, nature, wellness, swim routine, autumn colors, one meal a day, salmon, broccoli, cauliflower, avocado Road to the Ironman Triathlon ONE MILE AT A TIME Follow Me on STRAVA :