Coaching Clinic ( Defense Deny)
СЛОВАРЬ АМЕРИКАНСКИХ ТЕРМИНОВ DENY (diˈnai)ДИНАЙ ОТРИЦАТЬ ВОЗМОЖНОСТЬ НЕ ДАТЬ ПОЛУЧИТЬ МЯЧ НАПАДАЮЩЕМУ (сленг ИГРА ЗАЩИТНИКА ЗА ПОЛУЧЕНИЕ мяча) Coaching Clinic (DefenseDeny) Illinois Stampede coaches attend coaching clinic at Crystal Lake H. S.. Here defensive concepts are taught by Stevenson H. S. coach Pat Ambrose focusing on ball deny techniques. Guest speakers included Chris Collins of Northwestern University (former Duke and Olympic Team Asst), Coach Chris Conger of Lake Forest College, and Coach Pat Ambrose head coach Stevenson H. S. among others. ( на тренерской клинике тренер Пэт Амброуз объясняет методику игры за получение мяча ). Illinois Stampede coaches attend coaching clinic at Crystal Lake H. S.. Here defensive concepts are taught by Stevenson H. S. coach Pat Ambrose