1960s Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Travelogue, Home Movies, 8mm
1960s Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Travelogue, Home Movies, 8mm from the Kinolibrary Archive Film Collections. Clip ref HA2. For commercial projects only. To order the clip clean and high res, or to find out more, visit Available in 2K. Subscribe for more high quality, rare and inspiring clips from our extensive archive of footage. High angles over city, cityscape, skyline, various panning shots, motorways, highways. Cable cart, cable car. POV from cable cart ascending. Various panning High angles over São Paulo, high angles over Rio, mountains, Rio de Janeiro landscape, various shots. plane landing, Plane taking off. More shots from cable car Rio coastline. Governador Island in distance. Airport on island. High angles over Rio. People eating and drinking at bar or restaurant, WS islands, landscape, Rio. Wide road, car park, mountain in BG. Path through park, river going through city park. Cars and bus driving down motorway, street lights. Tower landmark, palm trees in FG. Broad pla