Red Alert 2: Yuris Revenge Avengers Helicarrier EPIC UNIT
Check out more content on my Channel: , RedAlert2, YurisRevenge, MentalOmega, gaming, RTS Old Title: Red Alert 2: Yuri s Revenge Mod Secret Unit Helicarrier Superweapon SuperWeapons can cause massive damage to enemy bases and army. They are only available if the option before the game begins is checked which quite shows that are very dangerous and can turn the tide of the game. The SuperWeapons are of course available to all factions and in this video we are only talking about the big ones. The allied has a new epic unit considered as a superweapon. This is the helicarrier. The famous helicarrier from Avengers is now available and showcased in Red Alert 2 Yuri s Revenge. If you want to know how to add units and make your own mod, comment Hail Yuri down on the comments section below. Like, subscribe and stay tuned for more