Coffee Bar Studio (1959)
You want to enjoy your coffee while painting Then this coffee bar studio in London would have been perfect for you. It combines the love for art and food in a very special place. London. M, S of an arty looking man on the street. He halts, looks up and then walks through blue door. M, S of a black cab door being opened by a cab driver in drivers uniform. An elegant woman walks out of the cab and into the shop. M, S of the window reveals some paintings. M, S of the elegant woman inside the place. She goes to a counter and collects canvas and paint from another woman. L, S of the interior of the place reveals it is a restaurant, coffee bar. There are people sitting at the tables, eating. Man in chef s uniform can be seen in the background. Cut to another part of the room reveals an art studio. Walls are covered in paintings and there are people standing around a little platform, painting a blond model girl. Place is run by actor and amateur artist Tommy Yeardye (handsome man seen looking at paintings. .