UFC: Glory
(Turn up the haha sorry the audio is so low in the beginning I didn t realize this till after I posted it on youtube because I had my speakers turned up really A simple vid; nothing special. Haven t had the time to make a vid for a new fighter. Apologies This marks my 1000th subscriber video. I unfortunately didn t have the time, inspiration to complete the original video I was going to make. Anywho, once I heard this song all I could see was a UFC video. And this is that vision. I m not sure if it came out exactly how I wanted it to be but it came close enough for me. My only wish to perfect this video would ve been to have more after all the hours upon hours of PPV s, Behind the Scenes, and Countdowns I watched it still didn t feel like enough. None the less, I hope you guys enjoy this. I kept it real simple and clean. Also thank you to everyone who has continuously watched, rated, and commente br, br,