Root Chakra Positive Energy, 396 Hz Healing Frequency, Balancing Chakra, Destroy All Negativity
Root Chakra, 396 Hz Healing Frequency, Destroy Unconscious Blockages, Dissolve Negativity, Remove Fear, Muladhara, First Chakra This is a special series. Our team has been dedicated to it for a long time. We made use of all the experience and passion we have for healing music. We only used Tibetan Bowls tuned to solfeggio frequencies, taking care of all the harmonics in detail, to give you a deep immersive experience for your meditations. If you wear headphones or earphones, use a moderate volume. Let us know your impressions in the comments. Muladhara, earth or root chakra. Its name means base support. Its energy is associated with the adrenal glands, and is responsible for the health of feet, legs, anus, rectum, coccyx and large intestine. When it is in balance we feel safe, happy and capable of living in the present, enthusiastic in planning our future. When the first chakra is blocked we can feel apathetic, lost, disheartened, and lacking in selfconfidence. We feel excessive wor br, br,