Old 666 The Outrageous Custom Modified B 17 that Barely Made it Home
Get your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: It s an exclusive offer for our viewers Start your free trial today. MagellanTV is a new kind of streaming service run by filmmakers with 3, 000+ documentaries Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTVs exclusive playlists: In 1943, a B17 Flying Fortress laid low in a boneyard, ready to be torn apart for scraps. The aircraft came with a questionable reputation, having suffered heavy damage during its warfare missions. Many believed this was due to its ominous tail number, 412666. But the aircraft was salvaged by a group of nine socalled military renegades led by pilot Jay Zeamer. Renamed as Old 666, the misfits put so many weapons on the aircraft that it looked almost comical, and the plane became the most heavilyarmed bomber in the Pacific.