Victoria Male: COVID 19 vaccination, fertility and pregnancy
This week s speaker is Victoria Male, a fellow and lecturer in reproductive immunology at Imperial College London, where she also lectures on the immunology of transplantation, viral immunity and SARSCoV2 immunology. Male is a Sir Henry Dale Fellow and Lecturer in Reproductive Immunology based in the Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction at Imperial College London. Using clinical samples and a novel mouse model, her research group is investigating how innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) in the uterus work to establish and maintain pregnancy, and how this may fail in disorders of pregnancy such as preeclampsia and preterm birth. Organized by Janelia s Sarada Viswanathan and Loren Looger, the Science of COVID19 seminar series brings in outside experts, covers papers and preprints, and highlights local efforts in testing, production, and analysis.