Astrology for the Soul April 7, 2021
Fear is believing that I am alone, Forgetting that All is One. But if I open and follow my heart, It melts like snow in the sun. Let s welcome the new Moon in Aries That beautiful Ram energy that represents the beginning of everything new. It s open, spontaneous, wild, and courageous, so let those be keywords for the month. It s simple and straightforward, not convoluted and conniving, so we can also add that. More specifically for this week, we want to add in a touch of self forgiveness if we try, want something and it doesn t go. We re all just in kindergarten earth so if at first you don t succeed, try, try, again. Let it go, don t let it get you down. In a way, I m feeling the energy of the Chariot card in the Tarot, where the Charioteer is gazing down into the Holy Grail in meditative preparation for setting off on his journey. Reminds me of my axiom for 2021 in general: The Year of Initiation in Preparation for Creative Manifestation. T