Longest Consecutive headspins 11 YR OLD B girl Spinderella Guiness World Book of Records
Follow us Our blog The youngest amazing talented 11yr old Bgirl Spinderella from CTFB Crew ChiTown Finest Breakers wants to be on the Guiness World Book of Records for the longest headspins ever at a very young STYLE INSPIRATION Spinderella txted her uncle Raekwon, Played her PSP TWEETED George Lopez, Wendy Williams, David Letterman, Jimmy Fallon on her Ipad that she would love to be on there show breaking a headspin also practiced scratching on her Ipad. She also wrote (BGIRL SPINDERELLA BREAKING RECORD LONGEST HEADSPIN with a heart) 2 other things she did 1 was reading her favorite DUB Magazine and playing DJ HERO