Sony Action Cam as100v On, Offroad Motorcycle Steadyshot Comparison o, o
The difference between juttery and silky smooth is just a setting away. The Steadyshot function on the Sony as100v, as30, as15, and as10 is something that the action camera industry has needed for a long time. Steadyshot, Pro Mode, SmartPhone connectivity, long battery life, reasonable pricing, and legendary reliability put Sony at the top of the class for now in my opinion. Love Adventure Subscribe to eveRide ADV is the new hub of Dual Sport, ADV, and Enduro motorcycling. Join the eveRide community s positive vibe, tailor made for new and experienced riders. See more videos, pictures, posts, gear reviews, deals, and more Want to get to know our awesome, positive, inclusive community while seeing bonus footage, meeting moto buddies, and getting dirtcheapmotorcyclingtips Follow my GPX tracks on the rides I take Favorite everide