Bryan Cranston Talks Jerry Marge Go Large, John Carter, and Wes Anderson
This summer, Academy Awardnominees Bryan Cranston and Annette Bening portrayed reallife couple Jerry and Marge Semblee in David Frankels charming feature adaptation Jerry Marge Go Large. In this feelgood movie that s based on a true story, the married couple decides to take advantage of Jerrys penchant for mathematics and puzzles to successfully hack the Michigan and Massachusetts Lotteries. During his interview with Colliders Steve Weintraub, Cranston shares why he chose to do Jerry Marge, his experience working with directors Wes Anderson and Andrew Stanton, and the importance of capturing the essence of nonfictional characters, while still taking some creative liberties. He also bemoans box office reports versus film critics artistic impressions, denies allegations that he is a huge baseball memorabilia collector, and discusses prepping mentally for difficult scenes. , bryancranston, JerryandMargeGoLarge, JohnCarter For interviews, movie reviews, and more visit