The Hidden Purpose of the Lie about the Earth: as god, Israels Fake Messiah will reveal the Truth
There is a key to understanding everything: the present world is ruled by degenerated humans with corrupt minds; they say lies ceaselessly, but their lies are silly and we can easily debunk them. The nature of the deception that they diffuse is childish; it is far below the thought level of all humans, and this is so because the corrupted, dehumanized, antihuman and inhuman race that rules the world consists of children of a lower god: Satan. And that s why people cannot really understand what happens and what sort of lies they are told. We need to think in reverse in order to understand what their lies are. Suddenly, everything will change. When they will impose a Talmudic monkey as bogusMessiah, he will start revealing the Truth. He has to do so because he will pretend to be God Incarnate. Then, he will say that the Earth is a surface and not a sphere. That s why they insist now that the Earth is a globe; because they want to stage a fake revelation of the Truth.