Robo Cop 2 Longplay ( Arcade) 4 K
Follow me on Twitter Get Great Retro Scene News Developed and published by Data East in 1991 Much like the movie on which it s based, RoboCop 2 isn t as good as the original. Data East pushed this sequel into beat em up territory, but it never really feels like a fun experience. It broadly follows the film s plot, with RoboCop hunting down drug lord Cain. You ll probably recognise levels based on certain scenes, but there s also some originalyetbland filler in there too. Chapters 00:00 Attract Mode 00:46 Stage 1 03:52 Stage 2 06:30 Bonus Stage 1 07:38 Stage 3 11:17 Stage 4 15:14 Bonus Stage 2 16:12 Stage 5 20:21 Ending , robocop, arcade, retrogames