Short Film: Antarctica Origins of the Dark Fleet
I m delighted to announce the release of a short film presenting the recent history of Antarctica and how a breakaway German colony established a presence in an extensive underground cavern system, and used it as a base of operations for building a fleet of reverse engineered alien spacecraft. The German Dark Fleet has evolved over decades to become a powerful force on Earth and in Deep Space. Learn why the existence of the Dark Fleet is to be exposed as a necessary condition for humanity entering a golden galactic age where we interact with highly advanced extraterrestrial civilizations who share advanced life changing technologies. I wish to thank my inspired and incredibly talented wife, Angelika Whitecliff, for the many hours she devoted to creating this short film and raising public awareness of these critical issues. . Michael Salla, Video Links: Exopolitics Website: May 22, 2021 Webinar now available on Vimeo: https:,