Spiritual Talk with Minerva Swaruu First Chat Welcome aboard
This is our first chat with Minerva Swaruu (11) that we had a short while back. Thank you Daniel James for providing the voice of Robert: Our website with transcripts and forums: ALL THE VIDEOS FROM THE BEGINNING (Playlist): COSMIC AGENCY UNCENSORED ON ODYSEE: SECOND COSMIC AGENCY CHANNEL (Back Up): Spanish Channel Agencia Cosmica: TO SUPPORT COSMIC AGENCY WORK: Thank you :) COSMIC AGENCY WORLD CRISIS SUPPORT CENTER group: Telegram: t. me, cosmicagencymainsupportcenter PETITIONS channel ONLY: Telegram: t. me, joinchat, ZFBEmUggUwNWNk FB: FREE CHAT group: Telegram: t. me, joinchat, GTh62B4IRy43ODU0 Roberts Channel Despejando Enigmas (one of): Music: Sirius Beat Nobility Link: Music: