TD Jakes Sermons: And Ye Shall Have It Part 2
Dig deeper into the intricacies of faith in the second part of this T. D. Jakes sermon, And Ye Shall Have It. In this message, Bishop Jakes illuminates the difference between the Holy Spirits leading and carnal responses. Understanding is critical as one leads to eternal life and the other leads to destruction. Its natural for us to rely on our senses. It takes faith, prayer, and the Word to tune in to what the Spirit speaks to our spirit. The Bible says that eyes have not seen and ears have not heard the things God has prepared for those that love Him. To hear what God has for us, we must be spirituallyfocused. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. We must renew our minds to be transformed. Your life, T. D. Jakes says, is a reflection of whose voice youre listening to. One thing we can be sure of is that whatever God reveals to our spirit is a promise, and God will fulfill whatever He promises. How do you really know if youre hearing the voice of the Spirit Watch And Y