New Standard Car Factory Site Inspected By Director (1960)
Speke Hall Road, Liverpool. coming in to land and of it landing. Mr. Alick Dick, Managing Director of the StandardTriumph Group, alighting from helicopter and being greeted by Alderman John Braddock (sporting a magnificent combover) Leader of Liverpool City Council. LS. Mr. Dick and Mr. Braddock looking at bulldozers. CU. Showing caterpillar tracks of the bulldozer moving along. of tractor passing camera. Dick and Mr. Braddock climb aboard the bulldozer. MS. As they pull gear sticks and the bulldozer starts to move off. CUs. of bulldozer moving across open ground, it comes to a half and Mr. Dick and Mr. Braddock alight. Various MS. and CUs. of people watching. stating that another StandardTriumph factory is to be erected shortly. fields which are to be the site of the new factory. looking on, helicopter in background Dick accompanied by Mr. Braddock making his way to helicopter. Orig. Neg. FILM A VIDEO FRO