The Cairo Conference (1943)
Full title reads: THE CAIRO CONFERENCE. Cairo Egypt Malta. Various shots of Britain s Prime Minister Mr Winston Churchill and Lord Gort walking through crowds in Malta. Mr Churchill wears naval uniform and smokes large cigar. He sees some of the bomb damage. Several shots of Mr Churchill waving to large crowd from balcony. Various shots of the delegates of the Three Power Conference between American, Britain and China in Cairo garden seated in front are Mr Churchill, American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Chinese President General Chiang Kai Shek and his wife Mrs Chiang. Behind them are seen the other delegates to the conference Britain s Foreign Secretary Mr Anthony Eden, Mr Averell Harriman, Mr Harold Macmillan, etc. They pose to cameramen. During another session behind the seated leaders are Chiefs of Staff Lord Louis Mountbatten, Lord Ismay, Admiral Cunningham General Lord Alanbrooke, Air Marshal Sir Charles Portal, Chief of Royal Air Force and General George Marshall. Vario