Sleeper Cells Will be Activated, Learn What You Can do NOW
In this video, we discuss terrorist sleeper cells that are established in the United States and how they ve been planning and preparing for an attack that will make 9, 11 pale in comparison. Don t wait until it s too late to learn what you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones from a terrorist attack James from Pilgrim Ammo, Sal from USA Carry and Survival Dispatch CEO Chris Heaven discuss the imminent threat that we face and what you can do to prepare now. Get the baddest ammo on the market from Pilgrim Ammo Use code survivaldispatch10 to get 10 off Get Sal s book 21st Century Minute Man: A Guide to Personal Protection and SelfReliance in Contemporary America For adfree, uncensored videos and exclusive content please subscribe to a Survival Dispatch Insider membership. .. , survival, urbansur