never a silent night
Imperial Hymn, Warhammer 40000 Druvata Imperator dux noster; in eman sua firmissimus. Sacrificium eius illuminare fecit; Druvata nostrae puritas Nos kandu electa eius Egredere facem mahsemo. Renuntiatio eius helel; Per tenebras et pólemos. Nam qui eius maor. Azar mundans iacet. Hostes Imperium, Da veniam irae. Ora Imperator, praebe nobis tuam fortitudinem Ut simus tui justi khang. Omnis ut efches, Nullus furor sanctum eius effugiat. Our Lord Divine Emperor In his name we hold faith. His sacrifice brought illumination And purity of purpose. We are his chosen The bringers of his light. Renounce your sins There is light after darkness. For he who is God Will bring cleansing fire. To the enemies of the Imperium My anger will come Holy Emperor give us strength That we may be your servants. In all that we do Let no one escape his holy fury.