Violet Orlandi Blooming (2021)
Stream it everywhere Lyrics: Blooming at night I feel like You would cut my throat if you could Drown my sorrow inside You cut too deep and now Im Blooming Blooming at night Opening inside Spilling out like flooded waterfalls Bloody heart pours writings on the walls Drew one black heart for me and you Silver knife between us two I was scared of this dark room Count to three and pull me through Blooming at night Opening inside Spilling out like flooded waterfalls Bloody heart pours writings on the walls FOLLOW ME: Written by Violet Orlandi Electric guitar by Cole Rolland Produced by Violet Orlandi and Brian Diemar Mixed by Subsonic Voodoo Mastered by Maor Appelbaum Set design by Violet Orlandi and Julia Marchezi Photography by Gabriel Rosa Edited by Gabriel Neves