How Cats Choose Their Favorite Person
If youve ever lived with cats in a household of multiple people, you may have noticed that cats often tend to prefer a particular person over others. Believe it or not, there are several behaviors and characteristics that make people appealing to cats. Anyone who meets these certain criteria is likelier to receive a cats affection. In this video, we will talk about how cats choose their favorite human and how you can become your cats favorite person. Handling Handling is key to earning a felines admiration and respect. Cats want to remain in control of their environment. This means that being cornered and scooped up without request can agitate a cat. This is why many cats will gravitate more toward people who dont like cats, or who are allergic to cats. The best way of winning a cats affections is to not insist they interact with you. Instead, encourage your pet to want the contact. Dont hug, pick up, or corner your feline friend against their will. Its best to let