One man has the strength of one hundred bear His sweat is a Pilsner beer When you cut him, out fly a swarm of bees President Vladamir He hate gay, like he is secretly gay He don t give shits of Ukraine He throw you in jail if girl sing in a mask And he definitely is not gay Putin take off shirt to show octopec chest Lay women like he lay oil pipe He take shits and then pull up his pants Because Putin have no care for wipe Ride a horse Balance pen Look bored Eat a bird Jump in ocean And then make baby cry Touch fire Go to doctor Doctor say Don t touch fire But you Putin So now doctor go to jail Set back clock on human rights Take Crimea and no say thank You had olympics in halffinish hotel Surprise, you been Vladapranked Putin bench press a man doing curls Edward Snowden: no fucks can give Fall asleep during UN debate Because For 200 year, Putin live Speak to dog, with his mind