WF017 The Best Of The WWF Volume 5
Best of the WWF, 5 (WF017) 11, 25, 85 Ricky Steamboat vs. Don Muraco 09, 10, 85 Killer Bees vs. Hart Foundation 10, 01, 85 Killer Bees Paul Orndorff vs. Hart Foundation Barry O 09, 10, 85 British Bulldogs vs. Brutus Beefcake Greg Valentine 1980s TNT Show: Fuji General 02, 18, 85 Wendi Richter vs. Lelani Kai (Kai wins WWF Women s Title) 11, 25, 85 Wendi Richter vs. Fabulous Moolah (Moolah wins WWF Women s Title) 02, 09, 86 Jesse Ventura vs. Tito Santana 07, 16, 83 Andre the Giant, Jay Strongbow, Ivan Putski, Rocky Johnson vs. Wild Samoans, Samula, John Studd (3, 5 falls)