These Commodore PET 2001 8 upgrades are AMAZING
I ve upgraded my recent VCFMW 2022 retro computing purchase, a 1977 Commodore PET 20018 with modern accessories from thefuturewas8bitchannel841 and Bit Zeal. In this video I share a history of my Commodore PET 2001, the upgrades I made, discuss the benefits of each, and then share my overall thoughts on whether anyone with a stock Commodore PET 2001 should make these purchases. Some of these upgrades come with unexpected surprises, as does this original Commodore PET 2001. Companion blog post with more information, errata (and there is some for this video), and all the links you need at: Find me online at: Blog: Twitter: Mastodon: YouTube: Facebook: Producers: Jamie s Hack Shack The L