Is a Tennis Ball Riser REALLY the SECRET to Quiet Drumming
Learn ANY Song by Ear in 60 Minutes Without Using Drum Tabs or Video Tutorials, Download my FREE, 23p. PDF guide, 5 Steps to Learning Any Song in Under an Hour. The famous TENNIS BALL RISER. Does it actually work Is it the real secret to playing drums in an apartment This DIY build is a goto solution for apartment drummers or anyone needing to soundproof their kit. But it seems like nobodys really telling us how well these things work. We assume that theyre doing some good and that our money and efforts arent going to waste but who really wants to go to the effort to build one of these if we dont ABSOLUTELY KNOW that it does work Today well both find that out. I was curious, so I built one. I also tested it from the floor below so that we can all know whether this endeavor is worth the sweat we have to put into it. Because I live in an apartment, I dont own a truck, and I dont have access