Peace Effort In Karachi (1947)
Karachi, Pakistan. Various shots of peace appeal leaflets being distributed to people in the street, people stand and read them. CU. MS. Troops in lorries driving past a reviewing stand. MS. Mr Mohammed Ali QaidiAzam Jinnah, Governor General of Pakistan, watching from the reviewing stand. LS. Troops marching past. CU. Shaikh Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah, Governor of Sind, wearing white coat, grey fur cap and glasses, saluting. LS. MS. Ali Jinnah alighting from car. LS. A crowd of Muslims at prayer. LS. A plane flying over city delivering leaflets. Various shots of the parade, artillery guns and lorries being paraded, Mr Jinnah looking on. Troops controlling crowds. MS. Malik Feroze Khan Noon, Mr Jinnah s personal representative to the Middle East, at the airport at Karachi before leaving, with friends. CU. Malik Noon, head and shoulders. MS. Entering plane and waving. MS. Leaflets being distributed to people in the streets from passing lorries. Various shots of the parade and Mr Hidayatullah o