How to Make a Stitched Spiral Using the Couching Stitch, slowstitching
Spirals are some of the oldest shapes used in artwork and are based on shapes found in nature. In today s video, I show how to add this interesting element to your stitching. Adding a spiral to an mostly finished fabric page is a way to add a rounded shape that draws the eye. Spirals can be small or large, just a few coils or many. Modify the spiral to suit your needs. Use multiple colors of floss to add interest or match the yarn chosen for the spiral. Stitching a Spiral, slow stitching ideas, how to start slow stitching 2022 Ideas, Stitch a Spiral , Stitching, SlowStitching, DanielaMellen, FabricEmbellishment , couchingStitch, StitchASpiral SUBSCRIBE Thank You So Much for Watching If you enjoy the video, please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and SHARE , TextileArt, FabricArt, HandSewing, fabricbookideas, fabricembellishment YOU