klaus caroline, , delena, , one way or another humor
I hope you enjoy this video:) Thanks for watching What do you think about the whole klaus in tyler s body thing I don t like it and I m not happy that first Klaroline kiss happened like this, imo it was more Forwood moment, technically it was 2 in 1, I called it Klarowood. This situation can be amusing but I think such kind of thing is good for a comedy movie, it s not epic. It s just going to spoil real Klaroline relationship. As far as I know JP said: Klaus is going to take advantage of being in tyler s body, Caroline will be angry at him once she realizes he tricked her. I don t like this. Klaus was such a gentleman with her and now he s gonna use this situation to get some moments with Caroline. It s so mean (more mean than compulsion trick). Of course, she won t forgive him. And when will we get a real Klaroline after that Seriously, we didn t get many Klaroline scenes this season (since e