The Road Runners I ll Make It Up to You ( August
The Road Runners were a great band from Fresno, California who released seven songs on four singles in a short period between August of 1965 and April of 1966. Band members on the 45s were Denver Cross guitar, Dale Samuelian keyboards, Bob Trippell sax, Randy Hall lead vocals and bass, and Steve Heitkotter drums. Other members of the band at various times included Ozzie Georgener, Larry Karagozian, and Dave Mendoza and Bruce Conte on 116 Ill Make It Up to You, Take Me (August 1965, also released on Reprise 0418 in September) Morrocco 001, 002 Goodbye, Tell Her You Love Her (December 1965) Morocco 120, 121 Pretty Me, Baby Please Dont Go (1966, yellow labels) Morocco 120, 122 Pretty Me, Sleepy Friend (April 1966, purple labels) Morocco 121, 124 Baby Please Dont Go, Dont Stop Now (credited to Randy Hall, 1966, purple labels.