Namibia: Pain to Pay For RT Documentary
In the early 20th century, Germans killed tens of thousands of peaceful inhabitants in Namibia. This happened long before World War II. The indigenous nations, the Herero and Nama, were driven into concentration camps where they suffered from hunger, forced labour in private corporations, and became subjects of medical experiments. Its the first concentration camp in history, says the local activist Laidlaw Peringanda. Some surviving prisoners were sent to reservations after their homes were taken by colonizers. People who were dispossessed continue to live in the native reserves in which the Germans put them, claims Sima Luipert, Secretary for International Relations, Nama Traditional Leaders Association. Germany acknowledged its crimes against the Herero and Nama only in 2021 and promised to pay 1. 1 billion as compensation. Why do local residents disagree with these reparations Find out in the new documentary, Namibia: Pain to Pay For. , HumanStoriesrtdocumentary