Kana St Kilties Invercargill
Текст с Bandcamp а: Murihiku Mail 1st April: Sir, It is time to replace the foreign Invercargill March, written by an absconding Australian and played by that abomination against nature, a Brass Band. To paraphrase that famous Scottish poet William Dunbar, A pair of highland hips shall fairer music make Than you can blabber with your brassbound Your treacherous tongue has taken an Australian strain, A New Zealand arse would make a better noise Indeed, a much better noise is made by our local genius Alexander Taylor Camerons tune Invercargill, a rousing pipe band march, suitable for all occasions, and much more appropriate to our local heritage. I bring your attention to the McKelvie brothers excellent rendition of this tune. Yours Etc. , Bulmer Stircour, the Bluff from The Drunken Piper of Banvie, released March 17, 2017