Using Substance Painter to Texture Stylized Models REALLY Fast
Substance Painter s PBR workflow has allowed artists to dramatically speed up their own workflow. Over the years, artists have developed unique and interesting ways to speed up their workflow, and create great results in a short amount of time. In this breakdown, James Horn gives us an inside look into the texturing process, and shares how he utilized cool features of Substance Painter to recreate stylized and handpainted textures, using PBR techniques. This isn t a full tutorial, this is a live look into the texturing process of an asset. You ll see James mentality, how he tackles mistakes and challenges, and how he uses some cool features using simple techniques. This is not for beginner Substance Painter artists, you will need a decent understanding of the software. James has some other cool stuff and really useful breakdowns on his Artstation page, be sure to check him out and say hi The 3D Coloring Book Transform your Substance Painter texturing skills w