Pumped up kicks 1066 A. D Cover in Old English ( Anglo Saxon tongue) BARDCORE
For even in the 11th century, the 60 s were turbulent times Original song by FosterThePeople : Consider supporting the channel, I know what I do ain t much but its honest work : Wanna follow me Soooo a lot you asked for this, I am super stoked to have actually finished it too XD, Ok So I wanted to make this my 10k sub special but by the time I finished making this I m getting close to 20k, really wanted to thank all of you for the love and support guys, this is me thanking ya ll in advance for the 20k, it has been so unreal. As always, Big thanks to Cornelius Link for creating this masterpiece of an instrumental : Also, a big shout out to AB (ABAlphaBeta) who helped me with the translations and p