The Adventures Of Sammy And Sausage No Parking Here (1929)
Joe Noble animation featuring the characters Sammy and Sausage. Number 18 in the series. C, U of Joe Noble smoking a cigarette and sitting at his drawing board. He sketches out a shape which turns into Sausage (a dog). Sammy does some manic skipping with a rope eventually falling over and seeing stars. Sausage goes up to Sammy and after being asked if he fancies playing a game, looks all coy and says: Sorry Sammy But I se goin to meet my Sweetie Sammy walks up to a kennel and knocks on the outside. We see a male dog wearing a top hat creep out of the back of the kennel. A girl dog (although she looks like a cat ) comes out blushing. Sausage and the chick have a kiss. She says: Oh Sausage I ve been so They walk off and start kissing underneath a tree. He tickles her under the chin and she starts to look annoyed. She then gives him a left hook which sends him flying. She walks off. Sammy notices a sign pinned to the tree. It is the park regulations. One of which is: No kis