BECOME A MEMBER FOR EXCLUSIVE CONTENT, REPLAY PREVIOUS VIDEO PODCAST EPISODES AND MORE SEND US STUFF 8309 Laurel Canyon Boulevard, 413, Sun Valley, CA 91352 LEAVE US A VOICE MESSAGE 7472171429 LISTEN TO THE PODCAST NEW MERCH 0:00 Intro, Shot, Lauren running late 2:29 How Koles been, our cousin Julian 4:09 Vegas trip, Raiders game 7:52 Mosquito Problem, Baby Shrimp 11:41 Forgetting what we talk about on the podcast 14:30 Chispa Pancho pregnancy update 18:52 More Shots 21:36 What food are you bringing me after a hard day 25:26 Favorite state to eat in 29:46 Lauren arrives 32:12 Jauregui, Pronouncing names wrong 33:10 Changing the lighting, Offending Snows brownness 35:07 Shot