Kate Yahn Edge of Nothing ( Take Me Home) ( Official Video)
EDGE OF NOTHING (TAKE ME HOME) Official Video Produced by: Disruptor Creative Director: Shelby Satterthwaite shelbysatt Assistant Director: Rosa Tang thisgirlrosa Camera, Edit: Daev Ogilvie iamdaev Director of Photography: Jules Fletcher mrjulesfletcher Lighting: Ryan Lambert rytunes Behind the Scenes: Jayden Miller needvalidation Makeup: Maria Renee Walton mariareneemakeup Makeup: Marie Pearce mariepearcemakeup Stylist: Teddie Rogers tedrarogers Sponsors: hollywoodtheatrevan, jaymecowleymediaco Cast: Alvin Brendan Baia Hearns Benjamin Millman Jesse Irving John Hannah Merlin Fisk Teddie Rogers Trent Otter Yamil ChainHaddad Stream Edge of Nothing (Take Me Home): Follow Kate Yahn Instagram: Facebook: Tik Tok: