Sookie Eric + Nora Off to the Races, , S5 AU
HD is always better If you saw the episode 5x01 you will know that this is an AU from here to China hahaha Many of you were annoyed by Eric relationship with Nora, because of their status of siblings and the fact that they call each other brother and sister and you talk about incest. A LOT But vampires are so vicious, amoral. .. why are you complaining then you began to see a show about vampires, I guess you didn t expect to see things that you would find in fairy tales this is not Twilight. On the other hand, I m a fan of Sooric and didn t like Eric to ignore Sookie when she was in danger. .. therefore I created this video. .. a complete AU Eric still misbehaves with her but he finally returns to Sookie. You may wonder why is she who asks for forgiveness. .. well was she who left him, hurt him first. .. is just my point of view, maybe you think is he who should apologize (and he should) but she first br, br,