Coded, Animated Short
Two best friends; Ethan and Alex, find themselves trapped in the pixelated world of an abandoned video game, where they meet their new selfproclaimed trusty sidekick, Oob. Together, the 3 embark on a journey through the game and its obstacles, avoiding traps and trouble along the way. However, as the gang progresses, things slowly start to take a suspicious turn, as Ethan begins to speculate that theres more than meets the eye to this colorful fantasy world. This has been a mini ongoing project in the works since initially writing in early 2019 BUT THIS IS ONLY SCENE 2 OF THE STORY If this is wellreceived, I may move further with it BIG HUGE THANK YOU TO THE AWESOME VOICE ACTORS AND FRIENDS WHOVE GIVEN ME THE COURAGE TO MAKE THIS SNIPPET Hope you all enjoy, thanks so much for watching. :) VOICES: Ethan: Brian Sobel Alex: Kio Arscott Oob: Clara Czarnecki PROGRAMS USED: FireAlpaca DaVinci Resolve Cute CUT Pro FOLLOW ME ON:, , Instagram: , , Twitter: , , TikTok: , , Twitch: SUPPORT ME:, , Redbubble: