Frank Bello ( Anthrax), Ray Luzier ( Ko Rn), Bill Kelliher ( Mastodon) more We Care A Lot ( Faith No More Cover)
, faithnomore, wecarealot2020, covers, slavesondope, anthrax, korn, mastodon, menwithouthats, refused, rundmc, brutaltruth, Czarface, filter, ourladypeace, quicksand Anthrax, Korn, Mastodon, Men Without Hats, Slaves on Dope, Refused, Quicksand, Brutal Truth, Czarface, Run DMC, Filter and Our Lady Peace cover Faith No Mores We Care A lot. Jason Rockman and Kevin Jardine of Slaves on Dopehave teamed up with a veritable whos who of musicheavyweights to cover the amazing Faith No Mores We Care A lot In collaboration with the Roadie Relief effort, this video hopes to raise awareness to all the out of work people in the touring industry. You can make a donation here: Or you can purchase the song here: