Peeps Through The Window Of The World No. 26 (1935)
Titles read: PEEPS THROUGH THE WINDOW OF THE WORLD. Various locations of events. In London we see C, Us of the famous one cent British Guiana stamp one of a provisional issue of the year 1856. At this time it was valued at around Â10, 000 by stamp auctioneer Mr Gordon Harmer. (Newspaper cutting on file says the King (George V) once bid for the stamp and lost to an American man. ) In the United States of America we see several shots of a new foolproof explosive called Nitramon being tested in a field. Men hammer the powder into the ground and put a blowlamp to it but it doesn t explode. A man shoots at it and nothing happens, but when he shoots at dynamite there is a small explosion. Nitramon doesn t even go off when thrown into a deep pit. Tins of the explosive are packed into the ground and detonated. A huge side of a quarry comes down in the blast. Also in America we see several small alligators, or animated suitcases as commentator calls them, coming down a chute into a little pool