Sex Education Getting Down with Sex Positivity
The first 1, 000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: This script was written by Anya Formozova. You can see more of her work here: The third season of Sex Education wades into the debate about whether sex positivity still makes sense in our contemporary world and ultimately it doubles down on why we need to fight for our right to talk about sex. After the sexual liberation movement of the 60s and 70s came to be coopted by toxic parts of the media, today it can feel like rhetoric of liberation is just a cynical form of exploitation that doesn t work for everyone. But Sex Education is updating what sex positivity means in todays terms, and its main takeaway is not that everyone needs to be having loads of casual sex, but that they need to feel free to communicate about sex and relationships openly, honestly and without shame. Support The Take: Shop our Limited Edition Merch: ww