La Mer ( Beyond the Sea) Avalon Jazz Band
BUY OUR ALBUMS ON BANDCAMP Listen to us on SPOTIFY Follow us on INSTAGRAM La Mer is a song by Charles Trenet, based on a poem he wrote when he was sixteen years old. The song was first recorded by the French singer Roland Gerbeau in 1945. Vocals Tatiana EvaMarie Violin Gabe Terracciano Guitar Vinny Raniolo Rhythm guitar Sara L Abriola Bass Wallace Stelzer Filmed by Adrien Chevalier in Brooklyn, NY. Sound mixed by Mike PerezCisneros. Lyrics: La mer, qu on voit danser Le long des golfes clairs A des reflets d argent, la mer Des reflets changeants sous la pluie La mer, au ciel d été Confond ses blancs moutons Avec les anges si purs, la mer Bergère d azur, infinie Voyez près des étangs Ces grands roseaux mouillés Voyez ces oiseaux blancs Et ces maisons rouillées La mer, les a bercés Le long des golfes clairs Et d une chanson d amour, la mer A bercé mon cœu