Michelle Waterson Gomez vs Jessica Penne, Rapid Rounds, Invicta FC
In this rapid round, Michelle The Karate Hottie WatersonGomez stuns the world by not only going toe to toe with the then Atomweight Champion, Jessica Penne, but submitting her to become the new champion. , Atomweight, Champion, MMA Subscribe to get all the latest Invicta FC content: Connect with Invicta FC online and on Social: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: About Invicta FC: Invicta Fighting Championships is the worlds premier allwomen mixed martial arts (MMA) brand. Founded in 2012 by longtime combat sports executive Shannon Knapp, the greatest women athletes in the sports history continue to fight in Invicta FC. Owned by Anthem Sports Entertainment, Invicta FC remains committed to pioneering womens growth in