Winners of SF9(에스에프나인) Now or Never(질렀어) Choreography Cover Contest
Winners of SF9(에스에프나인) Now or Never(질렀어) Choreography Cover Contest Check out the results of SF9(에스에프나인) s Now or Never(질렀어) 1theK Dance Cover Contest. We appreciate all of you for sharing us the greatest video Giving a big hand to every single participant s efforts and support. 개인 1위 Sophia (호주): 2위 Elise Jeon (베트남): 3위 Sina Mojtabavi (이란): 팀 1위 AO CREW (호주): 2위 Random Age (이탈리아): 3위 THE9 (태국): 1theK FB : 1theK TW : 1theK Kakao :