Pantera Cowboys From Hell (blues metal cover by Wicked Rumble)
Pantera Cowboys From Hell (blues metal cover by Wicked Rumble) Dimbeg Darrell is a truly brilliant guitarist and composer who inspired us to create our band a long time ago. And we couldn t get past the Pantera legacy. However, realizing all the responsibility, we were careful for a long time with the choice of a song which one to choose, and how to play it in our style, while not spoiling or shaming the memory of Dime Nevertheless, we decided to record a cover of the song that made Pantera world famous in 1990. We made it in our own way, but with all due respect to the original. We tried very hard and, hopefully, we managed. Recording, mixing and mastering by Ilya Zhilkin Filming video editing by Alexey Solonskiy and Oleg Timashov