Dope Lemon Salt Pepper
Salt Pepper is from Dope Lemon s new album Smooth Big Cat. Listen: Dope Lemon on tour now For dates and tickets: Directed, Shot and Edited by Stefan José stefanjosefilms Produced 1st AD Coralie Tapper coraliedawntapper Gaffer Glenn Jones shedlightgaffer Best Boy Tere Reti teretiano Key Grip Logan Collier logancollier5 Grip Hire NK Gripping NKGripping 1st AC Brett Tracey bdtracey 2nd AC Shane Crosland shanecrosland Wardrobe Art Director Bea Berry beaberrystylist Makeup Hair Stylist Lily Fontana lilyfontanamakeupartist Production Assistant Esther Vis esbrigita Runner Monty O Brien montyobrien Runner Molly Henze mollyhenze Stills Photographer Caroline Sada carolinesadaphotography Colourist Matt Fezz mattfezz Animation Kane Rowlingson kanerowlingson VFX Christian Heinrich Gold Coast Studio goldco