還記得初次撕腿想哭確不敢哭的樣子嗎 每個孩子都有無限潛能 引導孩子學會堅持 剩下的交給時間 加油 , 强制拉伸, flexibility stretching
Thanks For Watching, Like, Comment Share Turn on the bell, and get my first hand feed here today in my flexibility stretching training class, teachers are helping my classmates and me to do the passive stretching training to improve our flexibility, this is important if you want to dance more elegantly. teachers asked me to lay down on the floor, inhale and exhale, then she gently stretch my legs to 180 degrees. this is ordinary flexibility stretching training for the professional dancer despite it is a little painful. so we have been told to shout it out when we feel the pain. because shouting can help we inhale and exhale, which can relax our tighten muscle, can reduce the pain, can let us stick to the end, and gain flexibility. Declaiming Please don t imitate the training in this video by yourself. The students in the video are the professional dancers and have been studying for more than years. The teachers have more than five years of teaching experience, so they dare to train students like this.